The famous Michael Fisher -brother of Heart guitarist Roger-, known to many as Mike Fisher and known to the entire world as Magic Man, chimed in this month on social media to give his perspective on a celebration of 50 years of Heart. Mike was a gardener, an architect or a designer of Heart. this month marks the 50th anniversary of Heart’s first gig, when Nancy was yet to join.
As many of you know Ann has been asked about a 2023 event multiple times in interviews. Below is Mike’s take:
Mike Fisher, August 1 2022:
“There is this ongoing confusion about the founding of Heart. Some seem to think that Ann joined the band as if it already existed. Then there is some comment attributed to me? The founding year is misstated as 1973 when it was 1972. I wish we could get get this straight once and for all. The band was founded in April of 1972. That is when 3 unemployed musicians and a college student agreed to form a band and decided to call it Heart. Ann and I were blissfully living together in West Vancouver, BC. Roger and Steve began the process of applying for legal resident status and planning to move to Canada. I began a search for the additional musicians. I arranged to move from my little roundhouse into the adjacent big house where we could all live and have a rehearsal space. We did our first gig at the Cave, this month, August, 50 years ago. Ann did not join a band, she, Roger, Steve and I together created this thing that became Heart and she as a co-founder is more than entitled to try to pull together everyone to celebrate, especially in Vancouver where it all began. Even better would be a reunion tour where everyone could get beyond whatever baggage they are still carrying and be wonderful together again. Put a beautiful ribbon on our gift of creation and let it sail off into history where it will, little ship of dreams.”
Magic Man(is that your call sign)?
“No one can serve two masters;
Fall where it may
“[…] and she as a co-founder is more than entitled to try to pull together everyone to celebrate, especially in Vancouver where it all began.”
So it sounds like the 50th anniversary plan for 2023 is indeed a reunion show. Specially considering Ann had Roger Fisher join for Mistral Wind at one of her shows a few months ago.
Hopefully it works out.
They were Heart a few years before Ann was there…I was around then …I was even going to audition for the drummer spot as Ray was leaving (around 69/70 I went to their gig at a Frat party …but they were to good & I hadn’t been playing that long …so I didn’t try…when Ann joined they were called hocus pocus for a short while…..